27.02.2013 in News

Pssst, net verrooden!!!

Mir wäerten ganz spontan an onverhofft, natierlech wéi emmer ouni geprouwt en nexten Samsteg optrieden!! Leider spille mir just ee Lidd, an dir musst erausfannen, wou dat kéint sin. Eent ass secher, mir wäerten eis net gesin, schnieff… Dir eis awer, yuchuuu!

17.12.2012 in News


Et ass scho bal sou wäit… …nexte Sonndeg (23.Dezember) stelle mir de Jean-Pierre live op der Bühn vir! An zwar am Kader vum Thé Dansant am Melusina. Ab 3 steppt do de Biir. An dann um 17h00 ass et un eis!   Fir Dir awer scho bëssi Appetit ze man, kanns du dës Woch all

14.12.2012 in News

Interview um 100komma7

Wanns Du eisen Interview um 100komma7 an der Emissioun “Rendez-Vous Backstage” mam Yves Stephany verpasst hues, fënns de hei den direkte LINK !

17.06.2012 in News

La Face Cachée Des Mots

The guiding principle of the project was to integrate passages from artistic works into photographs, thus giving the artists and composers the opportunity to enrich their statements with visual elements. All photographs were taken in an abandoned swimming pool. The photographs should serve as a basis for reflection on the topic of migration and democracy.